Tuesday, September 10, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM
Location Name
KICC M101/102 (Level 1)
Wet Well Wonders: Alcoa Pump Station Takes a Deep Dive

The City of Alcoa, located in East Tennessee, recently encountered a significant challenge when a force main failure occurred at one of their pump stations. This presentation will provide a detailed account of the comprehensive rehabilitation project that was undertaken in response to this critical situation. The incident required immediate action, leading to the implementation of bypass pumping as a temporary solution for the 0.5 MGD pump station. This presentation will focus on the rapid design of a new packaged pump station. With a delivery time of four months, pump delivery became the critical factor in the project's timeline. This tight schedule encompassed surveying, design, permitting, bidding, and preliminary construction, all to be synchronized with the pump's delivery. The pump station pumps directly into the WWTP making the bypass pumping challenging in that maintenance personnel had to locate the Force main to tie back in. The process was also complicated by the depths involved and the discrepancies found in the existing as-built drawings. The as-builts were found to contain misinformation, leading to significant challenges in identifying the correct locations of infrastructure. The original configuration of the pump station featured a 40-foot-deep dry pit/wet well setup. This depth posed challenges in terms of accessibility for operation and maintenance, complicating routine procedures for operators and technicians. The rehabilitation involved demolishing the dry pit and plugging the wet well. The wet well was thoroughly evaluated to determine its condition and suitability for continued use. Based on a detailed analysis of the wet well structure, a decision was made on whether the wet well could be effectively repurposed into the redesigned pump station or if it would require replacement. Additionally, the project had to address the complexities associated with grading around the existing infrastructure. This process required planning to ensure that these activities did not interfere with the ongoing bypass pumping, essential for maintaining continuous operation during the upgrade. The redesigned pump station configuration is tailored to provide enhanced ease of use for operations and maintenance. The new system's design focuses on operational efficiency, reduced maintenance needs, and improved reliability – key factors for the sustainable management of wastewater infrastructure. This presentation aims to offer attendees a thorough overview of the pump station rehabilitation process. It will cover the challenges encountered, the strategic solutions implemented, and the outcomes of the project, with a special emphasis on the City of Alcoa’s experience.