Tuesday, September 10, 2024
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Location Name
KICC M108 (Level 1)
Red Bank Stormwater Master Plan

The City of Red Bank (City) is located within the City of Chattanooga. While other City services are maintained by the City of Chattanooga, the City maintains all stormwater infrastructure within its 4,700 acre service area. The City does not have any existing maps of their stormwater assets and a stormwater master plan has not been performed. The City is located between two ridge lines which drain to a single stream, Stringers Branch. Stringers Branch follows the main commercial corridor and most developed sections of the City. A large portion of Stringers Branch is a concrete lined creek with few natural components and has approximately 2,600 linear feet of completely encapsulated stream draining under the foundations of businesses, parking lots, churches, roads, and restaurants. As this corridor developed, the City’s aging stormwater infrastructure has become stressed which will ultimately create flooding in areas which never previously had issues or worsen existing areas. In 2023, the City decided to establish a plan to collect data of the previously unmapped system and to evaluate problem areas along Stringers Branch. Additionally, a master plan to document the existing stormwater infrastructure and to prioritize stormwater drainage system improvement projects will be proposed. This presentation will review the early stages of the master planning process through the pilot study which will be completed in Spring 2024. We will present (1) a review of existing data, (2) key decisions made when selecting inventory and modeling requirements, (3) basin prioritization, (4) schema creation for data collection, and (5) condition assessment metrics. We will review unique data collection techniques including 360-degree cameras for condition assessment and 3D laser scanning technologies for the encapsulated portions of Stringers Branch. For the pilot study area, we will review the (6) existing conditions hydraulic model, (7) alternatives development and evaluation process, and (8) final recommendations. Additionally, we will review project-specific tools created for data management. This is an important project to City’s ongoing efforts to protect their investments, respond to aging and undersized infrastructure, and prepare for the future growth of the City.