Tuesday, September 10, 2024
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Location Name
KICC M103 (Level 1)
Pumping Up Your Drawdown Testing: A Workflow to Elevate Your Data Collection
Water Resource Recovery

Pump Station drawdown testing is not a new procedure but can be important for ensuring proper operations and other analytical efforts. Typically recorded on paper, the efficiency of these tests can be greatly improved using modern solutions. By upgrading our pencil to a mobile device, one can standardize their reporting process.  Cloud based GIS mobile applications allows users to easily log data and perform calculations on the fly from real time measurements. These mobile applications are customizable to each organization and can be used on all pump stations, regardless of their shape, size, or number of pumps. Utilizing these workflows will standardize data entry which in turn can lead to high accuracy hydraulic model calibration. Once the data is collected, summary reports, which include pump specifications, pump curves, internal photos, drawdown test values, and even 3D scans can be generated for record keeping and help utility managers access quick summaries on pump stations through their system.