Tuesday, September 10, 2024
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Location Name
KICC M101/102 (Level 1)
Regional Stormwater Offsite Mitigation in an Urban Environments
Green Infrastructure

As urban development continues, available space within and adjacent to the public right-of-way for infrastructure becomes scarce. The need for stormwater management projects is ever increasing, with additional regulations and treatment requirements throughout the Country. Municipalities and agencies are investigating offsite treatment for stormwater management after all other alternatives at the project site are ruled out to allow for needed infrastructure as well as meeting the stormwater management requirements. This presentation will investigate one approach to meeting critical storm requirements, water quality requirements and situating stormwater management throughout an urban environment where regional stormwater management opportunities are available to be used when needed on projects that are not able to meet the stormwater management within the project corridors. The presentation will include the methodology, approach to offsite stormwater management credits as well as a case study example detailing regional best management practices and the regulations involved with offsite mitigation on a regional scale. Now 6 years into this process, the lessons learned from this effort will also be highlighted.