Gold Level Sponsor

Registration fee of $2,600 includes:
• Up to three (3) five-person teams
• Company may set up a booth/display at event
• Company may provide banner at event with company name/logo
• Company logo added to website and promotional emails leading up to event
• Company logo added to a minimum of three (3) shooting stations at event

Silver Level Sponsor

Registration fee of $2,000 includes:
• Two (2) five-person teams
• Company may set up a booth/display at event
• Company may provide banner at event with company name/logo
• Company logo added to website and promotional emails leading up to event
• Company logo added to a minimum of two (2) shooting stations at event

Bronze Level Sponsor

Registration fee of $1,250 includes:
• One (1) five-person team
• Company may set up a booth/display at event
• Company may provide banner at event with company name/logo

Custom Sponsorship (no team)

Registration includes: 
• Opportunity to sponsor custom portion of the event (e.g., lunch)
• Custom benefits (based on sponsorship)
• NOTE: Does not include team or players.

Team Registration

Registration fee of $800 includes:
• One (1) five-person team, limit one per organization,  if you require two (2) teams please select Silver Level Sponsor.

Single Registration

Registration fee of $175 includes:
• One (1) registration; you will be placed on a team

Additional Team Player

Automatically included for any team registrations; players can be added into the team any time on or before September 20 by returning to the primary registration form.

Interested in a custom sponsorship opportunity or other ways to support? Please contact our team to discuss options such as sponsoring our group lunch, sponsoring a station, providing door prizes, etc. We'd love to hear your ideas! Please email us at admin@kytnwpc.org to discuss further.