Full Name
Scott Grieco
Job Title
Global Principal & Technology Director
Speaker Bio
Dr. Grieco is a Global Principle and Technology Director for PFAS and Emerging Contaminants at Jacobs. His is an expert in physical/chemical treatment of emerging contaminants and persistent environmental compounds.

He currently serves as a WRF research Project Advisory Committee (PAC) member, Advisory Council member of NY State Healthy Water Solutions Center of Excellence (NYS COE), and is a member of the AWWA PFAS Technical Work Group.
He has authored numerous publications on PFAS and is a contributing author to the recently-published WEF PFAS book.

Scott has over 30 years of experience in the evaluation, design, and optimization of water treatment systems across the public utility, remediation, and industrial sectors. For the past 10 years, Scott has focused on evaluation and treatment of PFAS.

Scott holds a BS in Chemical Engineering, MS in Environmental Engineering, and PhD in Bioprocess Engineering and is a registered Professional Engineer in New York.