Full Name
David Meyer
Job Title
Civil/Hydraulics Engineer
Burgess & Niple
Speaker Bio
Professional Engineer with over 4 years of experience. As a Lead Collection Systems Modeler for B&N, David utilizes numerous types of software to provide clients with highly accurate predictive models of sanitary and combined sewer systems. He has additional experience performing bridge hydraulic analysis and modeling floodplains utilizing HEC-RAS, creating sanitary and stormwater rehabilitation solutions, modeling and aiding in the design of pump stations, and designing stormwater water quantity and quality BMPs. David specializes in uses of innovative technologies when applicable and develops solutions that can be utilized to easily replicate results from previous projects with high efficiency and minor effort. He also leads B&N's Civil 3D Users group, ensuring the company is always searching for cutting edge solutions to expand the software's capabilities beyond what is found out of the box.