Full Name
Shelby Lockhard
Job Title
Community Benefits Administrator
Louisville MSD
Speaker Bio
Shelby Wilson is a native of Louisville, KY. She is a cum laude graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Murray State University and a Master of Public Affairs from the University of Missouri-Columbia. While attending the University of Missouri-Columbia, Shelby was inducted into Pi Alpha Alpha, the National Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration. Shelby was also one of ten, selected nationally, as a Rising Professional in the US Water Alliance Mentoring Connections Program. Shelby is currently the Community Benefits Administrator at Louisville MSD, the local stormwater and wastewater utility. Passionate about her community, Shelby participates in many civic engagement activities. Her passion is also displayed in her tenacity, ambition, and commitment to what MSD does as an agency to keep our waterways safe and clean, and the social impact the organization has on the community it serves.