Tuesday, September 10, 2024
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Location Name
Booth 131, Exhibit Hall
Modern Monitoring Solutions Help Utilities Optimize Assets with Data
Mobile Technical Session (at Exhibit Booth)

85% of Water/Wastewater Utilities in North Americas are forced to manage & maintain Infrastructure with 3 employees or less. And yet, they are fully responsible for the flawless operation of their key infrastructure that fuels their communities. 
In recent years, this lack of human resources & budgets often results in shortcomings that affect preventative maintenance and proactive planning. Municipalities fall short because they simply cannot keep up with demands. Without the ability to predict, the assets (pumps) are run until failure. 
The solution to these overwhelming problems is to adopt modern monitoring and predictive solutions. Progress has already begun in this area, mainly within large utilities with the ability to adapt easily due to size and funding. 
This presentation introduces state-of-the-art monitoring solutions that can be adopted by small utilities in a cost-effective manner. 
Utility leaders will learn about the capabilities of modern monitoring solutions; the value of data related to advanced analytics; the positive impact of AI; and preventive maintenance. Based on use cases and case studies, this presentation will give examples on the ease of implementation and cost effectiveness. 
We will cover key technologies including flow estimations, pump health monitoring, real-time data, and alarms. The presentation also provides a platform for an exchange between participants (utilities, engineers, manufacturers) to improve their understanding about existing challenges and opportunities. 
Currently, flow studies are projects that consume an immense number of resources and time. With more modern flow estimation (automated drawdown test), estimated flows can provide the utility accurate data without the cost of an expensive flow meter. This data can not only be essential for understanding pump performance and health, but it is also valuable for engineers to plan expansion projects. 
In summary, this presentation should empower utilities to install and enjoy advanced data collection technology, deploying a continuous monitoring solution without needing to walk through the plant to check on things, for example each pump. Finally, water utilities can enjoy an efficient, reliable, and safer process with enhanced capabilities.