Tuesday, September 10, 2024
8:15 AM - 8:45 AM
Location Name
Booth 238, Exhibit Hall
On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation: A Safe and Cost-Effective Solution for Disinfection
Mobile Technical Session (at Exhibit Booth)

The adoption of on-site hypochlorite generation (OSHG) systems for disinfection has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by safety concerns associated with chlorine gas usage in water and wastewater utilities. However, recent disruptions in the supply chain and rising costs of bulk 12.5% sodium hypochlorite have further accelerated the adoption of OSHG systems for economic reasons. This presentation highlights the economic advantages of OSHG, including excellent return on investment, better cost control, and enhanced operational planning for utilities. By utilizing safe and readily available raw materials such as electricity and salt, OSHG systems offer consistent operating costs over time, in contrast to the unpredictable cost of bleach deliveries. Real-world case studies, including those from major water utilities, will be showcased to highlight the success of selecting OSHG over bleach 12.5% for disinfection. Estimated annual savings based on actual usage and historical chemical and electricity prices will be reviewed, along with the positive environmental impact of reducing chemical deliveries and greenhouse gas emissions. Lessons learned from over 30 years of OSHG installations will also be shared. Key aspects such as salt handling, salt purity, water softener reliability, ongoing maintenance, and system layout will be addressed, offering practical insights to ensure successful implementation and operation.