Monday, September 9, 2024
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location Name
Booth 439, Exhibit Hall
On-Site Hypochlorite Generation Via Electrolytic Cells: Novel Cell Design
Mobile Technical Session (at Exhibit Booth)

P. Block, PhD; K. Henry, PhD, M. Pierce Creston Water Solutions On-site generation of sodium hypochlorite for water disinfection is a safe alternative to the use of chlorine gas and provides several potential advantages over bulk delivery, including safety, capital and operating expenses and ease-of-use. However, typical on-site generation requires relatively clean sources of both the sodium chloride salt and the make-up water for adequate production of the hypochlorite. Novel cell design of hypochlorite generators can provide a robust alternative to the standard on-site electrolytic cells, allowing the use of less expensive sources of chloride, including brine and road-grade salt. In addition, these generators are characterized as an open-cell, and have no specific requirements for upstream water filtration other than that performed by a strainer. Thus, these on-site generators are highly suitable for use in the municipal wastewater market, as the plant effluent prior to the disinfection channel can be used as the source of water for hypochlorite production, eliminating the need for a potable water source. In addition, the cell design is inherently safer, without build-up of hydrogen gas and requires significantly less maintenance to remove scale from the electrode surfaces. The presentation will discuss the novel design characteristics and advantages of these hypochlorite generators through examples of in-field case studies.