Monday, September 9, 2024
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Location Name
KICC M107 (Level 1)
YP Keynote: Wild About Water
Students and Young Professionals

The purpose of this presentation is to give a brief overview of my 49 year career progression from management of the City of Milwaukee Water Works to a senior water and environmental sciences manager for Disney, and finally to my current role as the zoo aquatic life support systems engineer for the Louisville Zoo. I will highlight how my experiences have shaped this career path, emphasizing key roles, projects, and lessons learned and applied via commitment to continuous learning and professional growth. This presentation will address career development definitions, career development components, process, and strategies to help young professionals outline their vision for the future and the impact they aspire to make. Finally, this presentation will also cover a water career management model and end with recommendations for organizations and employees.