Tuesday, September 10, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location Name
KICC M109/110 (Level 1)
WaterStep’s WASH-UP Program Deployment
Small Systems

WaterStep’s WASH-UP Program: WaterStep has been implementing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Education (WASH) programs across the world for over 25 years, designing and implementing comprehensive, resilient, and sustainable WASH programs that include technology and training for simple, sustainable, and scalable production of safe water and disinfectant. WaterStep has now combined all this technology, education, experience, and resources to implement a holistic, comprehensive program called WASH-UP. WASH-UP, when implemented in a facility or community, will provide a detailed, collaborative plan of action with customized solutions to meet all WASH needs (including sustainable safe water, quality disinfectant, water transportation, water source maintenance, latrine sanitation, women’s health needs, education, training and more). The WASH-UP program is an iterative methodology to improve WASH services. It aims to improve the quality of care of a facility or community with a comprehensive WASH-UP solution that is uniquely theirs, with ongoing support, education, and follow-up to continuously improve WASH outcomes. WaterStep has launched multiple WASH-UP projects for simple water treatment and sanitation systems in high-need institutions such as health centers, hospitals, and prisons in Senegal, The Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya – locations where safe, available water makes a lifesaving difference in public health by reducing preventable diseases and infections. The results of the WASH-UP program are groundbreaking for the future of safe water systems, with documented reduction in secondary infections in healthcare facilities, elimination of skin disease and diarrhea in prisons, and significant reduction in absenteeism in schools. How It Works: WASH-UP begins with a facility or community situation analysis and develops a customized roadmap to address the needs that are identified. The model establishes a baseline WASH-UP score that is used to create a set of steps, resources/equipment, and skills necessary to provide effective and sustainable WASH services. A budget, implementation plan, and timeline will then be developed for the customized solution. Throughout each project and beyond implementation, WaterStep provides ongoing training, support, consulting, and technical support to address emerging challenges that may arise. Once a project has been implemented, follow-up surveys will be used at regular intervals to track improvement from the baseline score and gather feedback on project inputs, outputs, and outcomes. This allows WaterStep and implementing partners to collect data and best practices to increase impact and expand the program to reach more beneficiaries. About WaterStep: WaterStep is a Louisville-based non-profit that focuses on sustainable solutions to the world’s WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) crisis. Since 1995, WaterStep has developed simple tools and effective training to empower people and communities to address their own water and sanitation needs. We provide solutions for situations where infrastructure is fragile and execution challenges are particularly difficult, especially in slums, rural villages and in communities responding to natural disasters.