Tuesday, September 10, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
Location Name
KICC M112 (Level 1)
Exploring School and Child Care Sampling for Compliance with the Proposed LCRI
Distribution Water Quality

Overview: TruePani has collaborated with several state agencies to create and implement both mandatory and voluntary statewide programs to test the drinking water in schools and child care facilities for lead. This initiative is funded through the EPA’s Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act and is therefore free for all eligible facilities in the state. These programs create a foundation for communication and awareness of lead in drinking water sampling at schools and child care facilities. The strategies employed can be helpful for water systems completing similar sampling activities in compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements. This presentation will offer an overview of successes and lessons learned from the implementation of a multifaceted outreach procedure, integrated on-site and remote sampling strategies, and a database management system to organize project data. Company Background: TruePani, Inc. (“TruePani) is an environmental engineering, consulting, and communications firm specialized in providing comprehensive services related to point-of-use drinking water quality. TruePani has extensive experience designing and implementing drinking water sample programs across the United States under the WIIN Act. TruePani is committed to advancing public health by meeting the requirements of regional policy or implementing voluntary initiatives, aligned with the EPA 3Ts. The scope of these programs features boots-on-the-ground or remote sampling and training, outreach campaigns, data management, and more. Given the recent Lead and Copper Rule Revisions, TruePani is uniquely positioned to support utilities navigating new rules and reaching compliance. Objectives: 1. Provide an overview of successful communication, sampling, and data management strategies 2. Share TruePani’s success stories and lessons learned regarding the implementation and facilitation of school and childcare facility drinking water lead sampling programs 3. Discuss how TruePani’s state partnerships established through various WIIN-funded projects may minimize duplicative efforts and expedite PWS LCRI compliance Significance: In accordance with the proposed LCRI, public water systems (PWS) may be granted waivers to sample schools and childcare facilities during the first 5-year testing cycle if the facility was sampled between January 1, 2021 and the LCRI compliance date. Consequently, results obtained from sampling completed under programs such as the Texas Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program, New Hampshire Get the Lead Out of Drinking Water Program, and the Nevada Lead Testing in Child Cares Program, which utilize available federal funding, including the EPA WIIN grant, can be used for compliance with LCRI.