Monday, September 9, 2024
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location Name
KICC M112 (Level 1)
Getting the Most Out of Your Existing Space: MWRD Full-Scale Thermal Dryer Facility Design
Engineering & Construction

Murfreesboro is one of the fastest growing municipalities in the State of Tennessee. Due to its growth, the City is mindful of the need to continually evaluate current processes and necessary improvements to meet future demands. Over the past five (5) years the City of Murfreesboro has spent considerable effort in preparing its biosolids master plan. With the potential closure of their landfill disposal site within the next few years, the need to put their plan into action became urgent. Following review of multiple dryer technologies, MWRD settled on the Komline-Sanderson paddle dryer. This technology provided a quality product and a long track record of success at wastewater treatment plants similar size and biological process. Several plant visits were conducted including Pensacola, FL, Athens, GA and Newport, TN. These visits were instrumental in increasing our confidence with the technology and receiving lessons learned from experienced plant staff. The installation includes re-purposing spaces within the existing MWRD WRRF dewatering facility. New construction included a truck loadout facility which will be designed to support a future silo. The facility will permit MWRD to meet Class A EQ standards for their anticipated biosolids production thru Year 2040. The major components of the facility are as follows: • Dewatered Cake Conveyors • Cake Bin • Off-Spec Material Bin • Cake Pumps • Thermal Dryers • Thermal Fluid Heaters • Dried Product Cooling Conveyors • Truck Loading Conveyor • Returned Product Conveyor • Off-gas Equipment • Accessory Equipment