Tuesday, September 10, 2024
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Location Name
KICC M112 (Level 1)
Getting a “Head Start” on LCRR School and Childcare

Preparing for School and Childcare under the upcoming Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) is a significant undertaking for utilities. Navigation will be challenging even for those who are considered well prepared. This presentation will provide a brief history on Louisville Water’s lead monitoring program for schools and daycares that was implemented in 2004, as well as highlight the recent enhancements in preparation for LCRR/LCRI. A case study will be shared on Louisville Water’s partnership with the Ohio Valley Education Cooperative (OVEC) and 14 Head Start facilities that were targeted for monitoring. The goal of this initiative was to begin navigating through the challenges of the new regulations, and to improve communications, planning, and documentation. Examples of several evolving enhancements include various communications materials and documentation created, POE inspections, results reporting and remediation communications. The overall outcomes and lessons learned of this initiative will be illustrated throughout the presentation.