Tuesday, September 10, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location Name
KICC M112 (Level 1)
Headed in the Right Direction: South Chick Pump Station Upgrades
Rehabilitation - DW

The South Chickamauga Creek PS, owned and operated by the City of Chattanooga (City), was originally constructed in 1977 and underwent a major upgrade was performed in 1993. The roughly 80 MGD wet pit/dry pit station is one of the largest in the City’s system. Due to the age and condition of the existing facility, the City has tasked Barge Design Solutions to aid in identifying necessary upgrades to the facility and developing a design package to implement these upgrades. Major upgrades include replacement of mechanical bar screen, replacement of influent sluice gates, replacement of four 600 hp sewage pumps, replacement of large diameter valves, wholesale electrical system and HVAC system replacement, installation of new standby power generator, and significant site improvements. During design scope development, several of the improvements were evaluated including revising the raw sewage pumping configuration, electrical equipment configuration and generator sizing, site improvements due to limited footprint, and station bypass alternatives to complete the construction work within the station. This presentation will provide a background and current conditions of the facility, review the condition assessments for design scope development, review the alternatives’ evaluations and decision-making processes, and discuss the pumping station improvements.