Monday, September 9, 2024
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Location Name
KICC M108 (Level 1)
Excellence Is Our Brand: How to Build a Culture That Cares, Competes, and Inspires

A hard reality is that all organizations will rise or sink to the level of competence they tolerate. High-performance workplaces are therefore no accident, regardless of industry. In everything from your core values to your mission statement to your everyday communications, expectations and team spirit must be clear and reinforced. In the public utility sector, this holds true because our work touches every ratepayer we serve. Internal communications play a role in onboarding new hires, setting and maintaining standards, and supporting the work ethic and enthusiasm of long-term employees. Everyone in your utility deserves to be heard, recognized for achievements, and encouraged to strive for personal and team goals. In this presentation, we will discuss methods that utilities of all sizes can use for internal communications that inspire success, assist in hiring, build workforce unity, and lead to a competitive mindset. We will also discuss simple, specific tactics that yield results – all while staying within a limited budget.