Tuesday, September 10, 2024
3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Location Name
KICC M103 (Level 1)
Pump 'n Haul Not a Dirty Word! Repairing 900' of 20" Force Main Without a Traditional Bypass Line
Rehabilitation - CW

Abstract for Kentucky/Tennessee Water Professionals Conference 2024 Title: Pump ‘n Haul Not a Dirty Word! How the City of Kingsport repaired 900’ of 20” force main without setting up a traditional bypass pump line. Purpose: This presentation highlights the City of Kingsport’s unconventional use of Pump and Haul with Frac Tank Storage as opposed to traditional bypass pumping to effect a 900’ repair to a 20” force main. This session will delve into why the force main failed, how the location of the repair was selected, how the alternative method to bypass the force main was achieved and how the force main repair was completed with only 10 hours of bypass operations. Benefits of Presentation: The listener will gain insight into the City’s response to the force main failure and repair to include: (1) A short discussion of the failure mechanism (H2S); (2) How we determined the length of force main that needed to be repaired using ultrasound; (3) How we made the repair using Pump and Haul/Frac Tanks vice traditional bypass pumping and (4) Lessons Learned during the process. Status of Completion: The damaged section of 20” force main was successfully replaced and has operated without incident since June 2023. Conclusion: The City of Kingsport was able to repair a 900’ section of 20” force main with minimal impact on the public, keeping the primary lift station in service throughout the repair and using Frac Tanks / Pump and Haul to effect the bypass for 10 hours while the new force main was tied into the undamaged portion. The decision to use Frac Tank/Pump and Haul saved the City time and money over the course of the repair, primarily as rock was encountered that extended the project by a month - a month we did not have to pay for traditional bypass pumping. The City’s experience serves as a successful case study demonstrating that Pump ‘n Haul with Frac Tanks is not just viable, but also a cost effective solution for force main repairs; encouraging design professionals to expand their toolbox for handling similar challenges.