Tuesday, September 10, 2024
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Location Name
KICC M104 (Level 1)
PFAS Powdered Ion Exchange Resin Removing PFAS from Leachate, AFFF Concentrate and Drinking Water
Clean Water Technology

AVANTech has developed a novel ion exchange system utilizing PFAS-selective powder ion exchange media. APPIX (AVANTech PFAS Powder Ion Exchange) encompasses a patent pending proprietary process, unique ion exchange formulation, and grinding regime. Results from extensive testing has shown the success of the APPIX as a treatment solution that can remove high concentrations of PFAS down to non-detect, even for the most challenging source water. Powdered IX media has shown promise to effectively reduce the up-front capital costs associated with traditional pressure vessel installations, particularly for upgrades to existing drinking water treatment plants. For stabilization of PFAS contaminated waste (spent media), AVANTech has developed a solidification technology that allows for the safe and efficient disposal of highly concentrated PFAS waste (on spent media). The testing of AVANTech’s Advanced PFAS Polymerization (AP2) technology primarily focused on epoxy polymer solidification of PFAS-contaminated Ion Exchange resins, Granular Activated Carbon, and AFFF Concentrate. Similar AVANTech technologies have previously been successfully developed and employed for nuclear waste applications. The stabilized PFAS waste can be exposed to destruction technologies or safely stabilized and sent for disposal. The AP2 was found to be both effective at preventing PFAS leaching from the monolith and extremely physically stable. Due to the recent importance of proper disposal for Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), AVANTech has conducted testing of AFFF polymerization and associated rinsate. AFFF is a highly concentrated PFAS solution that is in use throughout the world at airports and DOD sites. The AFFF concentrate is challenging since typical epoxy polymerization is not compatible with liquids. AVANTech has tested different additives, chemical amendments, and absorbents that will allow for the AFFF concentrate to be safely solidified in the epoxy polymer. Several tests were performed to evaluate various characteristics of polymer monoliths for the immobilization of spent PFAS. Macroencapsulation prevents leaching to a much greater degree than traditional immobilization using cementitious grout. The US DOD is pushing to replace AFFF with a PFAS-free alternative – and as such, large quantities of AFFF will soon need to be safely disposed. CASE STUDY: AVANTech designed, built, and operated a small modular PFAS treatment system for a US Air Force Base. The skid included AVANTech IX media and a complete turnkey operation of treatment and assured stabilized disposal. IX vessels were designed to be single-use and disposed of after exhaustion. Results showed 40 PFAS species were removed from ~50,000 ng/L (ppt) to non-detect.