Tuesday, September 10, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location Name
KICC M103 (Level 1)
Moving Memphis Forward Through Sewer Water Quality Monitoring
Water Resource Recovery

It is common practice for water agencies to have sensors in the sewer collection system helping to track flows and levels in pipes and manholes, allowing them to operate the system more efficiently by understanding changes in capacity in real-time. Utilities can expand the types of sensors used to also track water quality in sewers. This can provide a more comprehensive picture for a wastewater utility, at a minimum allowing the facility manager to understand organic loads before they reach the plant, to minimize plant upsets, and allow for more proactive operation. But, did you know there is another function for these water quality sensors? Rarely used, but gaining in importance is the opportunity to monitor for corrosive discharges into the sewer system that have the potential to damage pipes, manholes, structures and pump stations. By embracing a holistic approach to sewer system management – utilizing multiple types of sensors – utilities can proactively safeguard critical infrastructure, ensuring the longevity and operational efficiency of their wastewater systems. This presentation will focus on a case study spotlighting the City of Memphis’ issue with industries that discharged high and low pH waste streams – often in the millions of gallons per day. Damage caused to sewer and pump station infrastructure and the measures taken by the City to mitigate this damage by real-time industrial discharge monitoring will be shared. This presentation will ultimately serve as a resource for professionals seeking innovative strategies to enhance the resilience and performance of their wastewater utilities.