Tuesday, September 10, 2024
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Location Name
KICC M100 (Level 1)
Making Communications a Superpower for Utilities of All Sizes

Using tools ranging from surveys to newsletters to social media, public water utilities can provide a sense of transparency, accountability, and professionalism to their communications with ratepayers. This begins with understanding their audiences, those audiences' needs, and how to meet them where they are in terms of communications preferences. At its best, external messaging goes far beyond water quality reports and mandatory notices. We should be drawing attention to individual achievements earned by our co-workers -- elevating them as subject matter experts -- and creating dashboards that illustrate what we accomplish collectively. Ultimately, we should position public utilities as the standard bearers for excellence in public works at the city and county level. This presentation will cover core ideas to guide public-facing communications; development of customer service surveys; the value of branding; social media; website design and analytics; communications for talent acquisition; copywriting tactics; and 10 benefits of positive public relations.