Tuesday, September 10, 2024
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location Name
KICC M105/106 (Level 1)
Leveraging the Power of Customer Water Quality Complaints
Customer Relations

Addressing customer water-quality complaints is a regulatory requirement to assure public health but is also key to establishing and maintaining customer satisfaction and trust. The approach Louisville Water uses to execute an overall water-quality customer complaint and resolution program may differ from other utilities depending on program objectives, as approaches vary based on the characteristics of water-quality challenges for that utility, the effects of individual utility treatment, and available resources. The Louisville Water retail distribution system includes over 4,200 miles of main and, between retail and wholesale customers, serves nearly one million people each day. Successfully managing customer perception, trust, and satisfaction in water quality throughout our system has required Louisville Water to optimize strategies to address customer water-quality complaints. Through a culture of continuous improvement, Louisville Water has combined common historical practices with new methods and technology to improve water quality and address complaints strategically and efficiently, including optimizing treatment, remote monitoring of disinfectant residual, field water-quality data collection and analysis, enhanced flushing approaches, customer-centric web-based resources, and continuing research. This presentation explores the invaluable role of customer water-quality complaints as a powerful feedback loop for drinking water utilities. By analyzing and leveraging this data, utilities can make informed decisions to enhance operational management and proactively address emerging water-quality concerns. The presentation will delve into the significance of customer feedback in identifying potential and developing issues, improving response approaches and timeframes, and building trust within the community. Through the presentation of case studies and best practices, attendees will gain insights into implementing a robust system that transforms customer complaints into a strategic asset for optimizing water-quality management processes.