Tuesday, September 10, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
Location Name
KICC M104 (Level 1)
Reducing Your Days of Exposure

Target Audience: General Managers, Office Managers, Office Staff, and Board Members Gary Sanders is a freelance Utility Billing Consultant with over 40 years’ experience developing and implementing utility billing software and consulting with utilities and municipalities. In this presentation, Gary draws from his vast experience in working with over 200 utilities and municipalities to examine how utilities can reduce bad debt and write-offs. This presentation is a follow-up to Gary's popular Improving Revenue Collections for Utilities presentation. In that presentation, the concept of Days of Exposure is introduced. Days of Exposure is the number of days of service a customer will owe for if they are disconnected for non-payment, and they skip out without paying. Days of Exposure directly impacts potential write-offs for bad debt. During this presentation, attendees will complete a worksheet calculating their utility's Days of Exposure. The presentation will then examine specific strategies to reduce key components of their Days of Exposure, thus reducing the likelihood for write-offs.