Tuesday, September 10, 2024
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Location Name
KICC M109/110 (Level 1)
Water Meters Can’t Find Water Main Line Leaks, Can They? You Bet They Can!

Understanding the main drivers and total impacts of having a successful Non-Revenue Water Program will be presented. All Utilities should have a Water Loss or Non-Revenue Water Program in place. Not all programs will be equal as all Utilities face unique challenges with size and type of service area and geographical impacts. In the United States only a few states have mandatory regulations on reporting Non-Revenue Water but of course all should be concerned with capturing all potable water that is sourced, treated, and pumped. We're going to discuss a solution that truly captures the most return on investment for water utilities to address both apparent and real losses on single device - a water meter. Integrated within the meter, with no external wires, is patented acoustic technology that continuously listens and records acoustic values every day for 20 years. Every water utility needs water meters. Why not install a water meter that can listen to Utility side distribution leaks at the very same time? Wouldn't a continuous and proactive solution for 20 years (warranted) provide more payback than no solution? Then lift and shift technologies with far less lifetime? With no other RF system needed? With no annual or quarterly surveys needed? Furthermore, we'll go over specific case studies from several utilities across the U.S. that have successfully used water meters to find not only service line leaks but leaks on mains as well - up to 14" water mains! Utilities are not only using the technology to be notified instantly of current and future leaks in their system but are able to significantly reduce costs because awareness is near immediate, and localization of leaks is easier as well. Water loss calculations are included in easy-to-use software allowing all utilities to easily track, repair, and report on leaks to their Utility, City Council, or State Agencies. There simply is no other solution that provides more return on investment for water utilities.