Monday, September 9, 2024
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Location Name
KICC M101/102 (Level 1)
Using Smart Water Networks to Manage Pressure & Flow to Reduce Water Loss and Pipe Breaks-WRF 4917
Water Loss/Non-Revenue Water

In this study, we delve into the transformative potential of Smart Water Network (SWN) technologies and their pivotal role in mitigating water main breaks and leaks. A smart utility approach emerges as a powerful tool in managing pressure and flow dynamics within distribution systems by seamlessly integrating real-time data from sensors with advanced IT and communication technologies. The project, sponsored by the Water Research Foundation (WRF), recently culminated in a series of successful SWN pilots across a spectrum of utility sizes. These case studies, conducted in both large and small utilities, not only validated the efficacy of SWN technologies but also provided a wealth of invaluable lessons and insights. The findings form the bedrock of a comprehensive guidance manual outlining best practices for optimizing pressure and flow management, ultimately aiming to curb water loss and reduce instances of pipe breaks. The pilots harnessed an array of innovative technologies, each tailored to address specific operational challenges. These included: • the implementation of real-time hydraulic modeling with remote sensor integration for swift scenario analysis during pipe burst events, • the incorporation of smart customer meters in conjunction with a dedicated smartphone application for real-time leak reporting and consumption behavior assessment, • the utilization of advanced pressure monitoring systems integrated with an analytics platform to proactively identify incipient leaks, • and the application of pressure monitoring equipment to detect transient pressure anomalies as potential indicators of leaks and main breaks. This presentation will showcase detailed case studies from four utilities involved in the WRF-sponsored project, namely the City of Lakewood, CA, the Water and Wastewater Authority of Wilson County, TN, Sydney Water in Sydney, Australia, and the Water Corporation of Western Australia. Each case study offers a unique insight into the tailored smart utility approaches deployed to combat water loss within their respective networks. This project underscores the immense potential of SWN technologies in bolstering water network sustainability and offers a roadmap for the broader water industry to adopt similarly forward-thinking and sustainable practices.