Tuesday, September 10, 2024
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location Name
KICC M111 ( Level 1)
The Nuts and Bolts of Adsorption Piloting for PFAS Treatment
Drinking Water Treatment

As the industry reacts and adjusts to the proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for six PFAS, many water purveyors will be affected by the regulation. For many utilities, activated carbon adsorption and/or ion exchange resins will be the preferred treatment technologies. Piloting is a longstanding tool in the refinement of treatment alternatives. Historically, media piloting has been mostly focused on particle removal by granular media filtration or biofiltration. To meet the current challenge, utilities may need to perform adsorption piloting. Adsorption piloting poses unique design, operational, and sampling requirements that differ from the more common filtration-based pilots. There is a robust and ever-growing body of knowledge on treatment alternatives and performance predictions for PFAS treatment, therefore this paper will not focus on selecting the alternatives for PFAS treatment. Depending on water sources and quality and regulatory environment, piloting may be required as part of the treatment selection. When piloting is required, being aware of the design and operational challenges of a success adsorption pilot will help ensure a successful pilot. This paper will discuss the design, operational, and sampling elements that owners should be cognizant of prior to beginning an adsorption pilot for PFAS removal. It will compare and contrast adsorption piloting to the more familiar practice of granular media piloting. Additionally, it will present case studies of how small and large utilities have approached their adsorption pilots to meet their PFAS treatment needs.