Tuesday, September 10, 2024
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Location Name
KICC M109/110 (Level 1)
Taking the Pressure Out of Lift Station Assessment and Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation - WW

As part of the City of Memphis' Sewer Assessment and Rehabilitation Program (SARP), Black & Veatch and their partners have assessed around one hundred sewer lift stations in the City's collection system. The lift stations are extremely varied throughout the system and include suction lift, flooded suction, submersible, and a full range of capacities. The assessments included all aspects of the stations including electrical, controls, structural, hydraulic, mechanical, and sitework. Using the information collected in the field and keeping in mind the resources of a budget-conscious client, the stations were prioritized based on severity of degradation and plans were drawn up for rehabilitation work. The complexity of the construction plans ranged from complete station replacements all the way to new valves and wet well coating. In addition, to make the lift stations more resilient in the event of an emergency, all stations were slated to receive new force main bypass connections and generator plugs with manual transfer switches. The rehabilitation work on the worst stations has been completed and the next tier of rehabilitation work is underway. This presentation will focus on lessons learned throughout the entire process of assessment through recommissioning. Attendees will see the assessment criteria forms, samples of rehabilitation plans, and construction photos chronicling the work.