Tuesday, September 10, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location Name
KICC M108 (Level 1)
Tennessee’s Longest Pipeline Project
Asset Management

Tennessee’s longest pipeline project the Memphis Megasite Force Main took over a decade of planning and 18 months to construct the nearly 200,000 LF effluent pipeline. The presentation will provide a brief overview of the project planning, design, and permitting while focusing on the challenges of constructing a 37 mile pipeline in less than 18 months. After Ford’s commitment to build their new electric vehicle campus at the Memphis megasite it was renamed Blue Oval City. This project provided the effluent FM which has the capacity to pump 5.1 MGD of treated effluent from Blue Oval City in Stanton, TN 37 miles west to the Mississippi River. The $50M construction contract included a 5.1 MGD pumpstation, 200,000 LF of effluent FM that consisted of 18-inch and 20-inch HDPE as well as 20 -inch DIP and an outfall into the Mississippi. The presentation will go into detail on the construction challenges of the project which include. Environmental crossings (streams and wetlands) 48 separate Horizontal Directional Drills (HDD’s) 17 separate jack and Bore crossings. Coordinating with multiple cities, counties, municipalities, and other entities Acquiring and working with over 200 easement holders. Supply Chain and logistics challenges. Accelerated schedule. Hydrostatic testing Accessibility and material staging. Maintaining grade to eliminate air pockets.