Tuesday, September 10, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM
Location Name
KICC M100 (Level 1)
Stormwater Workforce Resource Needs Forecasting

Does your utility have a plan to increase asset rehab needs? If so, did you think about the impacts on internal staffing? Blue Cypress assisted a client with just that. This project focused on Workforce Resource Needs Forecasting, aiming to enhance a stormwater utility program. The primary objective of this project was to evaluate past and future resource requirements to ensure regulatory compliance, elevate customer service levels, and forecast stormwater program funding. Blue Cypress was commissioned to conduct an evaluation of a stormwater (SW) program, encompassing both future capital renewal and workforce resource requirements essential for maintaining, complying, and elevating the level of service (LOS) and stormwater asset condition over time. This project was specifically aimed at forecasting the investment needed in resources, including labor and equipment, to sustain increased LOS and asset renewal activities within the core functions of a SW department. Blue Cypress produced a flexible tool offering insights into the level of resource investment required based on the backlog of work and future asset renewal needs within the SW department. The project provided a strategic understanding of resource needs. Blue Cypress conducted a comprehensive analysis utilizing current and historical data from the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), MS4 permits, and internal reports. A high-level peer benchmarking comparison was also completed to help identify potential areas for improvement and optimization. Steps in this analysis included reviewing historical SW department data, permits, and internal reports to determine core functions and LOS within the SW department. Once core functions and LOS of the department were established, resource gaps were categorized into two groups, for each core function: • backlog of work orders • right-sizing to stop backlog growth and meet future capital renewal needs Once resource needs were established, costing data was utilized to calculate actual investment dollars for those needs, within each core function. Blue Cypress presented a detailed analysis of resource needs, including a comprehensive summary of core functions. The findings provided strategic insights into the investment required for the sustained enhancement of the SW program. Blue Cypress produced a summary matrix outlining the existing and targeted LOS for core functions, coupled with future staffing levels. This strategic overview aided leadership in developing a business case when aligning resource allocations with future program objectives.