Monday, September 9, 2024
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location Name
KICC M112 (Level 1)
Way to Use Your Head-Works! Operating Tennessee's Largest Wastewater Headworks
Engineering & Construction

After 6.5 years of design and construction, Nashville’s new 440 mgd Headworks Facility at the Central Water Reclamation Facility was started up in November 2023. The Facility includes ½” Coarse Screening, 150 micron HeadCell grit removal, and ¼” Perforated Plate Fine Screening. The Headworks receives separate system flows as well as combined system flows. Separate and Combined system flows can be co-mingled or segregated depending on influent flow rate and permit requirements. Since the WRF did not have a true Headworks Facility before this project, there was a learning curve and culture change to be accepted by the plant staff. Leading up to startup of the Headworks, the mantra from the Owner to operations and maintenance was “The good news is that you got a Headworks. The bad news is that you got a Headworks.” The much needed Headworks Facility offers significant benefits to the health of the plant, but it was yet another system to learn at the WRF. For such a massive Headworks, small issues can get out of hand quickly if they are not addressed in a timely manner. With combined sewer debris and volatile wet weather flows, a Headworks will work, but you have to work it. By coupling the Engineer’s expertise in vision and design with the Operations/Maintenance staff’s expertise in plant know-how and ingenuity, the Headworks team has been able to work together to overcome every obstacle that has come down the pipe. Throughout the duration of design and construction, this project team found that working together, sharing expertise, and learning from one another is the best way to use your Head-works! Startup included phased force main connections as well as phased testing of equipment and systems. As with many startups, various hiccups were experienced, but thanks to the hard work and dedication of the project team, the facility is operating successfully. This presentation will provide a summary of the activities and planning leading up to the day of wastewater introduction to the new Headworks Facility, as well as issues encountered during the startup and testing period. Project successes and lessons learned will also be presented. Through real-time adjustments, critical communication, and incredible efforts of the Headworks team and Central WRF staff, Tennessee’s largest wastewater Headworks is up and running. Way to use your Head-works!