Tuesday, September 10, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location Name
KICC M111 ( Level 1)
Brandenburg KY Water Treatment Plant Filter Replacement
Drinking Water Treatment

The City of Brandenburg, KY utilizes groundwater via three wells as its raw water source for drinking water. The city was experiencing issues with manganese content in the raw water that the existing high pressure anthracite sand filter system was struggling to control. Manganese can cause issues with finished water that include staining of fixtures, buildup and corrosion of pipes and valves in the distribution system, smelly or discolored water, and in some cases health concerns. Brandenburg began the process to identify newer and/or upgraded equipment to better control the manganese which was especially prevalent in one of the three wells. The city coordinated with a vendor to do pilot testing of a new to Kentucky catalytic media filtration system with proven results for manganese reduction in other states. Catalytic media, which uses an adsorption process, provides a quicker reaction than traditional oxidation allowing higher loading rates for similar sized equipment. GRW coordinated with the Kentucky Division of Water (DOW) to determine data requirements from the pilot that would allow Brandenburg to move forward with a full-scale catalytic media filter since the operating parameters were outside 10-State standards. DOW reviewed the pilot data, approved the results, and GRW was developing construction documents for system replacement when one of the two existing high-pressure filters at the Brandenburg WTP failed. This necessitated an emergency/temporary catalytic media filtration system be installed while documents for the permanent installation of a new filter system were completed and approved by DOW. This presentation will discuss the results of the pilot testing, how the emergency system performed, and the implementation of the first catalytic media water filter system in Kentucky.