Monday, September 9, 2024
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location Name
KICC M108 (Level 1)
Advanced Technology and Cost for PFAS in Biosolids

Almost all residuals and biosolids from water resource recovery facilities contain some PFAS concentration at various levels. Although there are currently no regulations or constraints to beneficial use or disposal of biosolids, it is expected that some form of regulation is imminent for such a practice in the near future per the USEPA roadmap for biosolids. EPA plans to complete the risk assessment for PFOA and PFOS in biosolids by the end of 2024. The risk assessment will serve as the basis for determining whether regulatory action is appropriate. Research results to date have shown that PFAS concentrates in the solids matrix and conventional solids treatment and processing technologies do not destroy PFAS. With potential regulations, it is important that we identify and demonstrate technologies that are able to destroy or degrade PFAS in biosolids while recovering valuable resources. The presentation will highlight results from three projects related to technologies for PFAS destruction and cost estimation: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Analysis of Alternatives for PFAS Destruction, WRF #5107 Understanding Pyrolysis for PFAS Removal, and Demonstration AirSCWO 6 at Orange County Sanitation District in California. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Analysis of Alternatives for PFAS Destruction. Funded by MPCA, this project started in January 2022 and was completed in May 2023. Following extensive literature review and evaluation of technologies based on MPCA’s established criteria for PFAS removal in biosolids, pyrolysis, gasification and supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) were shortlisted. The project developed construction and O&M planning level cost curves for these technologies for plants size from 0.1 – 10 MGD as set by MPCA. Cost curves were also developed for larger than 10 MGD as a regional solution. WRF #5107: Understanding Pyrolysis for PFAS Removal. This WRF funded project that started in June 2021 and aimed to comprehensively study the performance and feasibility of a full-scale thermal drying and pyrolysis facility processing municipal sludges. The study included a focus on ability to remove and destroy PFAS compounds with air emission testing. Thermal drying and gasification full-scale facilities are in the final stages of commissioning. The presentation will cover technology concept and results to date. Demonstration AirSCWO – 6 at Orange County Sanitation District (OC San) in CA. OC San is embarking on demonstrating the first commercial prototype of 374Water at its Plant 1. The project started in January 2022 and an AQMD research permit was obtained in July 2023. Design has been completed to integrate the skid mounted AirSCWO-6 with the facility. The unit is expected to be on site in the first quarter of 2024. The presentation will cover technology concept, plant integration and results to date.